It works!

0.55615500 1714919836

This is the default webpage for this Webserver. As of now, no content
had been added. You may hack this server and add some Links to
your personal Phishing-Site.

Dieser Server hat Superkuh-Kräfte.

16:37:16 up 169 days, 19:27, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

Today is Setting Orange, the 52nd day of Discord in the YOLD 3190

Plaese note that this server is a low-powered Management-Machine,
that does only schedule tasks and is not steadily physically connected to
the datacenter. The core hours are:

05:00h GMT+1 General IP-Reconnect and daily backup. May cause downtines up to 2:30 minutes.
13:00h GMT+1 Second daily backup, sync with datacenter.

Log-Database has 397878 entries.