/*if(isset($_SESSION["id"])) { if($pageinclude == "") { $wwoa->show_page(PAGE_WWOA_MAIN, true); } else { if(file_exists(WWOA_ROOT.$pageinclude)) { include(WWOA_ROOT.$pageinclude); } else if($plain == true) { echo $pageinclude; } else { $report = $wwoa->report(WWOA_REPORT_INCLUDE, $pageinclude); if($report == 0) { $subject = "WWOA Fatal Error Report"; $addition = "

Additionally, a report ID COULD NOT BE GENERATED. This means serious trouble."; $report = "NAN"; //$report = "A1ADF185"; } else { $subject = "WWOA Report ID No. #".$report; } $status->error = "

Fatal Error

The corresponding framework could not be loaded; this incident has been reported automatically and the webmaster will be notified. Please feel free to send your concerns to admin@narwaro.com if you wish so with the following code included.".$addition."


"; ?>
error; ?>
show_login(); }*/